Lips are one of the most attractive and engaging parts of your body. They play a huge role in presenting your personality. However, lips help in eating, drinking and speaking. Although, a little smile on your lips can change the entire mood and overall facial expression. Thus, a minimal smile and intimate communication convey a powerful bond with friends and family. Hence, lips are of many types as specified by their appearance.
Meanwhile, individuals who are unsatisfied with their lip shape and volume want a process to make them prominent. Nevertheless, countless progressive and imaginary procedures are developed to provide perfection to your lips. So, enhance your looks with Fotona 4D Lip Augmentation in Abu Dhabi and experience the art of delicate refinement. Ultimately, revitalise your smile and stick with us to know more!
Puzzle out: what is Fotona 4D?
Fotona 4D is a non-interventional and non-surgical process. This is a laser treatment that stimulates collagen production naturally. Eventually, it works to elevate the appearance of lips. Hence, that is equally effective for the connective tissue that works to fade away the fine lines and wrinkles around the lips area.
Therefore, this laser procedure provides youthfulness with a more radiant and lifted appearance. Thus, Fotona 4D is a modernistic technique which gives a better definition, fullness and improvement to your lips. Additionally, this process wipes away the darkness of lips. So, provide victorious results for luscious lips.
Intended outcomes of Fotona 4D:
The primary goal of the treatment is to enhance the lip’s fullness and reduce sagging through the use of laser technology. Subsequently, some specific intended outcomes associated with Fotona 4D treatment are:
- Natural elevation and balance of the lip’s shape
- Restore volume and minimize the appearance of wrinkles.
- Achieve fuller lips by boosting the confidence of an individual.
- Gently resurface and rejuvenate the skin on the lips to diminish dullness.
- Provide lift and plumpness to the lip by reducing ageing signs
- Effectively reduce darkness and breakouts around the lip area.
- Beautify the lip by increasing the size and renewing the shape
- Minimise the depth of smile lines and tighten the surrounding lips.
- Achieve instantly visible results for more alluring lips.
Design of work:
Fotona 4D is an imaginative and creative process for the betterment of your lips. In this process, two types of wavelength are utilised that help to stimulate collagen production without any incision. The laser uses Erbium: YAG and Nd: YAG wavelength to heat the underneath tissues which ultimately increases the lip volume due to elevated collagen levels.
Meanwhile, the laser technique enhances the cupid’s bow and makes a perfect lip shape. No doubt, this treatment gives a lifted effect to the lips that provides a plump and proper definition to the lips. Hence, reducing the line all around areas and with visible smoothness revitalises your smile and unleashes an attractive look.
Ideal candidates of Fotona 4D:
The ideal candidates for Fotona 4D are mentioned below:
- The candidate has thinner lips and wants enhancement
- Individuals who need a non-surgical and needle-free method
- Souls need to improve the texture and volume of the lips
- Mortal need a dramatic change in appearance immediately
- People need an authentic and accurate solution
- A person having symmetry and sagginess of the lips
- Hopeful people have lines and creases around the mouth area
- Participants have deeper laugh lines and are non-pregnant.
Prerequisite of treatment:
The patient has to consult with a dermatologist who advises some directions. A few instructions are given before the laser treatment for the best result:
- Discuss all the skin issues and allergic reactions with the health provider
- Keep hydrated and quit smoking for at least one week before the treatment.
- Remove all the makeup and skincare products from the face and lips
- Avoid consumption of alcoholic drinks for 2 to 3 weeks
- Discontinue the medications and supplements having Vit C, glycolic acid and alpha hydroxy acids.
- Skip tanning beds and excessive exposure to the sun and heat.
- Don’t apply any harsh chemicals or perfume on the skin.
Working procedure:
The step-by-step process is mentioned below:
- First and foremost, clean the lip area with alcohol swabs and insert anaesthesia to reduce the harshness.
- After that, provide the deep heating through Nd: YAG. This particular wavelength penetrates the tissues and stimulates collagen production.
- Then, perform superficial resurfacing by using Er: YAG to gently remove the lip’s skin and improve the texture to achieve a balanced lip. Therefore, reduces the wrinkle appearance.
- Afterwards, the expert utilised a unique laser technique to address the lip corners and provide a perfect contour mindfully to provide a subtle look.
- To reduce the discomfort the dermatologist applies an ice pack or cooling agent to the treated area. Thus, the expert provides aftercare instructions like avoiding pressure on treated areas.
- The procedure takes around 40 to 50 minutes on average. Subsequently, patients can resume activities right away with a little care.
Rehabilitation guidelines:
Rehabilitation guidelines work victoriously to deliver accurate results. Some instructed guidelines are mentioned below:
- Take some rest and avoid applying any product for a few days
- Certainly, avoid facial expressions like smiling and laughing
- Use SPF 30+ sunscreen when going outside
- Avoid touching and rubbing your nose for a couple of days
- A little swelling and redness appear that reduces slowly
- Use a cold compress to diminish swelling
- Elevate the head while sleeping on the treatment day
- Don’t eat spicy food and sodium-containing meals for a couple of days
- Refrain from excessive sweating, swimming and hot baths.
Multidimensional positive impacts:
The multidimensional positive impacts are mentioned below:
- Add natural volumised lips without any painful process
- Boost up the confidence level and smooth out the vertical lines
- A quick and incision-free procedure that improves lip quality
- Reducing wrinkles and lines and making you even younger and more flawless
- Enhances the appearance and fades out all discolouration from the lips
- Improve the size and get pouted and chubby door lips
- Elevate natural beauty through improved levels of collagen
- Permanently eliminate the signs of ageing signs and smoothen lines around the mouth’s area.
Number of sessions:
The number of sessions depends upon the condition and requirement of the lips. Mostly, the expert suggests 2 to 3 sessions to get a gainful result to elevating your lips game. The gap between the sessions is a minimum of 7 to 10 days is considered best. Thus, To maintain the result yearly 2 sessions are advised by the dermatologist. Consequently, there is no high-fi recovery period. Generally, the patient gets back to work without any hurdles. But a little care is important to gain benefit.
Estimated price:
The estimated cost of Fotona 4D treatments is quite affordable & cost-effective. The factors Impacting the cost are outlined below:
- Position of lip and patient desire
- Number of sessions
- Laser technique and the expert team
- Innovative technology
- Location of the clinic
- Expertise & reputation of the surgeon
- Expectations of the patient
- Type of anaesthesia and specialist fee
Select us to enhance your allure:
Enfield Royal Clinic, Abu Dhabi offers extraordinary expert professionals, a highly trained team and advanced technology at affordable prices in a specified environment. We focused on procedures according to preference and needs. Our clinic has flexible and convenient clinical hours to educate patients about risks and make better health decisions using a natural approach for almost every treatment. Therefore, we understand and plan for treatment ensuring a positive and rewarding experience.
Be bold and book us:
Experience the art of natural radiance and reveal your inner confidence. Transform your life and unlock the new level of glamour with bold and beautiful lips. Particularly, Enhance Your Lips with Fotona 4D in Abu Dhabi where refinement meets beauty. So, get the excellence of perfectly sculpted lips to book an appointment and get a free consultation by filling out the form below.